About me

Heye, I'm Mex and I'm your new "Modern Media Specialist".

Now I probably got you thinking what is this weird job name he just made up.. Well think about TikTok, over the past couple of years we have seen it grow from nothing to the hottest social media of the moment (and maybe for ever). I'm here to help you create the best content, understand new media and even optimise your workflows so creating content stays fun.

I always used to think I was weird for being so obsessed with YouTube and technology but then..I've been working with YouTube / Social Media content for 7+ years now and I am passionate about improving audience engagement with your content. Over the past year's I have been building my Editing, Designing and SEO skillset for YOU!

What makes me different is that I am not only studying design, I have also been exploring the psychology behind online content.

I've been working with YouTube / Social Media content for 7+ years now and I am passionate about improving audience engagement with your content. Over the past year's I have been building my Editing, Designing and SEO skillset for YOU!

What makes me different is that I am not only studying design, I have also been exploring the psychology behind online content.

Schrijf je tekst hier...Heye, I'm Mex and I'm your new "Modern Media Specialist".

Now I probably got you thinking what is this weird job name he just made up.. Well think about TikTok, over the past couple of years we have seen it grow from nothing to the hottest social media of the moment (and maybe for ever). I'm here to help you create the best content, understand new media and even optimise your workflows so creating content stays fun.

I always used to think I was weird for being so obsessed with YouTube and technology but then..I've been working with YouTube / Social Media content for 7+ years now and I am passionate about improving audience engagement with your content. Over the past year's I have been building my Editing, Designing and SEO skillset for YOU!

What makes me different is that I am not only studying design, I have also been exploring the psychology behind online content.

What makes Mex Content Production different from other agencies is that we go beyond where others stop.


I’m always open to hearing about new partnerships.